Crystal grids are powerful to manifest your goals, ideas, or protection. A grid can be build for you or for others. The intention set is really matters. You probably wander why a grid brings on more energy than a stone by itself. It’s simple. When you connect stones together on a sacred geometry base, the gems communicate with each other amplifying the energies.
The beauty of crystal grids is that you can easily express your creativity. Play around with your crystals. Some people enjoy organizing their stones by chakra colors, other prefer to focus on a specific element. Do what works for you at the time!
What you need to make a Crystal Grid?
- Where does your grid belong in your home? Find a quiet space where you can easily connect or practice. Personally I like to set my grids on my altar or close by.
- Write down your intentions on a piece of paper. Make sure to write all intentions starting with I AM. We want to send the information to the universe that whatever we are manifesting already happened.
- Gemstones of your choice. Number does not matter as long as you keep an extra stone, that will be an activator.
- Print symbol or sacred geometry of your choice to use a base for your grid. I really enjoy creating my grids with the Antakarana Symbol or a flower of life.
Set Up your Grid.
1. Take some time in a quiet space to write down your intentions. What do you want to bring into your life? Peace? Abundance? Love? Protection? Health?
It does not matter. Just make sure to write it all down with the purest heart.
2. Pick your crystals. Remember your intentions as you are picking the gemstones that will serve in your grid. Let your intuitions guide you into picking what your grid needs to serve the greatest good. If your crystals haven’t been cleared in a while make sure to pass them under water. Again, you only want to bring the purest intentions into your grid.
3. Clear your space. Once you picked the location of your grid, burn some incense or sage to clear the room.
4. Take a couple deep breaths and start placing your gemstones on your printed symbol. Again, trust yourself. Let your intuition guide you into placing the stones onto the grid, around the sacred symbol. Keep your intention alive in your mind as you are placing the stones.
5. Place your intentions in the middle of the symbol. Place your center stone on top of it.
6. Start activating your grid by using the activating stone. Point it down and circle clock-wise the stones with activating stone. This will energetically bind the stones around your intentions. Activate your grid daily until you manifested your intentions.