A couple times a year Mercury enters in retrograde for a period of 21 days from March 22nd to April 15th 2018. You probably heard people getting worried about this transition.
Mercury is the planet of communication, which can also extend to buying, selling, researching or reading. It also impacts the signature of contract or legal documents as well as transportations.
A planet in retrogrades means that her vibrations affecting this earth at that time are dormant. The Earth realm does not receive energy from that planet for those 21 days. Communications are slowed down. This could translate in losing mail or emails. Iphones and other devices can start acting up. Flights have a tendency to be delayed ...
As you understood, Mercury in retrograde can bring a lot of frustration to the surface. We live in a world where everything is instantaneous. The moment we struggle with slow WIFI we loose our mind. Mercury in retrograde is here to remind us to slow down at some point.
Understand that we cannot fight the process of planets is the first step to flow thru the phases of Mercury. Accepting the power of what is. As human beings, we are affected by cycles of the moon, sun, stars, planets and the whole cosmos as one.
Knowing that mercury enters in retrograde gives you the power to master whatever situation comes along the way. It’s not about blaming Mercury. It simply gives you a deeper knowledge and understanding of the different energies around you.
Avoid making decisions or sign contracts during that time period. Let things flow on it’s own and observe it all. And remember, everything is temporary.