Full moon is all about gathering, especially when Full Moon is in Libra, sign of relationships.
This full moon happens at powerful time energetically. On the same weekend of March 31st, Jewish people celebrate Passover, Christians Easter and Hindu the birth of the Monkey God Hanuman. The concentration of energy at this time of the year can result in intense transitions of relieving all patterns. Remember it is all part of the process. To let go and surrender you have to go thru circles. This is how we learn as humans.
When old patterns show up you can have the choice to go back down or master your own mind. The secret is mind observance. If you’re honest with yourself every time you are about to do back to old patterns, there is a voice is your head for a couple seconds that tells you to stop. It’s all about connecting to that voice/ your intuitions.
This blue moon teaches us to surrender old patters. We can be tested at some point but we stay steady. We connect to our higher purpose and surrender all unwanted energies that no longer serves us. We are ready to step into higher dimensions.
The key is to never offer to your gifts to lower kingdoms.
This moon also invites us to create plans with others. It’s a good time to gather as community to evolve. Start a new venture! Bring back that inner joy of yours!
Full Moon Ritual:
Take time to sit alone or with a group of friends on the night of the full moon. Find confortable position. Take a couple deep breaths. Come back to place of peace, whatever this means to you.
· Write down your intentions:
What do you want to manifest? Write it down on a piece of paper, starting every affirmations by I AM. Remember that intentions are key. Keep in your heart as you’re writing to manifest for the greatest good of all.
· Bless Paper:
Bring that paper close to your heart and send it blessings in whichever manner that talk to your soul. For those that are aware of reiki symbols please use them.
· Burn Paper:
Invoke the power of the element of fire by sending your intentions back into ashes on the night of the full moon. Please remember to be careful as you are burning your paper. Energies can makes us forgetful sometimes.