As most of you know today is International Women Day. In 2018, it has taken bigger proportions than any other years. The solar cycle is coming to an end since the eclipse in August 2017. The moon, the yin side of the society is rising. It's beautiful to watch.
It's important to remember that both men and women carry feminine and masculine energies. The Divine Feminine can be called by either or.
Celebrating the Divine Feminine should be done on a day to day basis. It's amazing that the world celebrates women but I definitely believe that once year is not enough. We have to take care of ourselves everyday. This is part of the growth of the Divine Yin.
The more they tap in to their inner powers, the more their gentle and powerful energies rise. It is a simple question of trusting your instinct. Your intuition can lead you to tap into the divine feminine. As women, we know energies never lie.
The connection to the Mother Earth allows us to ground and expel negatives like no other kind. So, on this day of celebrating women on Planet Earth, what does self care mean to you?
How do you celebrate yourself on a day to day basis?
Certain will want to meditate on those two questions, other will want to take actions. I put up together a list of four rituals than can be done as rituals to celebrate your inner goddess, but remember you have all the answers. Feel free to adjust any practices to your own taste.
- Clear your Space:
Your hOMe is your inside self. Don't let any unwanted energies stuck in your space. Let it flow. Make is sacred.
Set some space aside in your room or a place that feels comfortable for you to set up an altar or a sacred space for yourself. Put up pictures, gemstones or whatever talks to your soul. Again, trust your intuition. They know how to guide you into it.
- Self- Massage or Abhyanga:
Abhyanga or Self Massage is one of the most important practices of the ancient Indian medicine practice called Ayurveda. Self massage can take as much time you allow it to. Warm up some natural organic oil in your hands. Personally, I like coconut oil mixed with frankincense. Again, it is a personal choice, but I insist on the organic, natural, cold pressed part of the oils. The closer to nature the better. Apply the warm oil on take time for a gentle self-massage to relieve all stress and tensions from your day.
- Gemstones under your Pillow:
Grab a couple gemstones tonight before going to bed and install them confortably under your pillow. Carry each and everyone in your hands before doing so and set your intentions. Be creatinve. Talk to your stones. Ask them to allow you to have a beautiful, peaceful night of sleep in the kingdoms of the heavens. Or, simply ask for worries to dissolve as you sleep.
Trust the process ! Don't forget to thank your stones in the morning.
- Ask Yourself what Self-Care Means.
We all have a different definition of the meaning of self-care. Some things that may work for me, might not necessarily work for you and vice versa. When I really need self care I go for a mani pedi or cover my hair with a home-made mask.
Anyway, take paper and pencil, write your question at the top of the page. Let your mind come to a place of stillness before writing anything other than the question. Take a couple deep breaths. Call in your guides and spirits masters to assist you in the process. When you feel ready, start writing. Let it flow. Allow your answers to come from the deepest place of self love towards yourself. Once you have your answers, find time to create rituals a couple minutes a day to celebrate your divine feminine.
Love to All,