After a long month of February without any full moons, we will be able to witness double full moons both on March 1st, and March 2nd. This is an extremely rare phenomenon.
Fulls Moons are always a time to reflect and release anything that no longer serves our higher purpose. With the influence of Virgo, this particular full moon will open your channels to receive messages and intuitions. Your guides are taking over your astral body. Let it be! Do not try to understand or rationalize what is happening. You are exactly where you're supposed to be.
The more you develop your sense of trust that everything is unfolding exactly how it is supposed to, the more doors will open. Always keep in my mind that our thoughts have the power to manifest in the physical world. Observe and guide your thoughts into positivity. You will quickly feel the difference.
Use the time of the full moon to reflect and be mindful on what you deeply desire to manifest. Again, listen to your guides. You can even be adventurous and talk to them out loud. The secret when communicating with higher realms is to be firm but gentle. Ask them to manifest NOW.
If you're unsure on where to begin to set your intentions for this moon, let yourself be guided. Take a piece of paper and write down your open question. Avoid yes / no questions. Take a couple deep breaths to reconnect to the present moment. Ask your guides to help you answer this question for the greatest good of all. Free-writing will magically happen and give you the answer to your question.
All of those rituals may seem incredibly easy, but remember to be in touch with the spiritual world is easy. We are simply reconnecting with our true essence !
Play around with your magic! Do your own ritual! Gather with some friends to create magic together ! Make sure that whatever you do around the full moon is made with the purest intentions of Joy & Love.
Happy Full Moon.